Are Gaming Glasses worth it?

Perhaps one of the biggest questions gamers ask when it comes to gaming glasses is:

Are Gaming Glasses worth it?

And to be honest: you have all the rights to ask that on first sight! Really good gaming glasses like the ones from Gunnar Optiks cost from $60USD to $80USD. For just a few bucks more you could get some stylish sunglasses like this one or this one. Or, you could get a mechanical keyboard for your gaming station like the TT eSports Poseidon. So let’s dig into the pros and cons of gaming glasses, shall we? (your inner voice should say “yes” now)
are gaming glasses worth it

Pros of Gaming Glasses

This table gives you an overview of all the pros and cons of gaming glasses which I found actually useful and relevant:

Pros of Gamer GlassesCons of Gamer Glasses

1. Higher Contrast during Gameplay

Gaming Glasses have tinted lenses that increase the contrast in how you view the screen. This means that your sight will be more detailed and you can spot reactions quicker than without gaming glasses.

1. Pricetag

Well, the only big negative thing about gaming glasses is their pricetag. Let's face it: most of us gamers are no millionaire's sons and can't just throw out 80 bucks for gaming glasses. Although there are cheaper options on the market, the real good ones like the Gunnar PPK or the Steelseries Scope cost some cash.

2. Filtering out Reflections

Even the best computer displays show reflections of bright spots in your room: windows, lights, et cetera. The tinted lenses will also filter out these reflections so they don't distract you any more.

2. Gaming Glasses need time to get used to

You might need some hours or days to adapt to gamer glasses if you're used to playing games without them. During this time you might not break any records on the virtual battlefield; but this transition time is just needed and its length differs from user to user.

3. Fewer Headaches or dry Eyes

Eyes tend to get dry after long gaming sessions, some players might even get headaches. By protecting your eyes from bright lights, you will feel reduce the risk of headaches or dry eyes.

4. Filter out artificial Screen Light

Gaming glasses are also good for medical reasons as they reduce the artificial screen light that will get to your eye. This light is bad for your eyes in the long run as your eyes are not made for that.

So – are Gaming Glasses worth it?

I’ve been playing with my Gunnar Vaypers for one year now and I have to say: YES – Gamer glasses are definitely worth it. To demonstrate it, check out this little table below:

What you spend on Gaming GearWhat you should spend on health
  • Gaming PC: $1.100 USD
  • Mechanical Keyboard: $120 USD
  • PC Screen: $200 USD
  • Gaming Headset: $80 USD
  • Gaming Mouse: $60 USD
  • Favorite eSports Game: $60 USD
  • Gaming Glasses: $70 USD
Total: $1.620 USDTotal: $70 USD

If you spend more than 1.500 US Dollars on gaming equipment, and if you spend more than 5 hours a day in front of it – shouldn’t you at least invest the lousy amount of $75 USD to protect your eyes while doing so? Plus: you might have the chance that they also improve your game performance! This is why gaming glasses will be standard for gamers in the future in my opinion, as their benefits make the pricetag definitely worth it!

These Glasses are definitely worth it – my personal Recommendation:

gunnar vayper gaming gear

Gunnar Vayper

Face shape: Medium
Magnification: Yes
Editor's Rating [progressbar width="95" color="#eee" bg_color="#006699" text="95%"] Amazon's Rating [progressbar width="86" color="#eee" bg_color="#FF9900" text="86%"]

Editor's Pick!
$74.71 USD

gunnar ppk gamer glasses

Gunnar PPK

Face shape: Wide
Magnification: Yes
Editor's Rating [progressbar width="95" color="#eee" bg_color="#006699" text="95%"] Amazon's Rating [progressbar width="82" color="#eee" bg_color="#FF9900" text="82%"]

$74.12 USD

gunnar mlg phantom gamer glasses

Gunnar MLG Phantom

Face shape: Medium
Magnification: Yes
Editor's Rating [progressbar width="90" color="#eee" bg_color="#006699" text="90%"] Amazon's Rating [progressbar width="82" color="#eee" bg_color="#FF9900" text="82%"]

Editor's Pick!
$69.14 USD

gunnar rpg glasses

Gunnar RPG

Face shape: Wide
Magnification: Yes
Editor's Rating [progressbar width="85" color="#eee" bg_color="#006699" text="85%"] Amazon's Rating [progressbar width="88" color="#eee" bg_color="#FF9900" text="88%"]

$87.00 USD

steelseries desmo gaming glasses

SteelSeries Desmo

Face shape: Wide
Magnification: Yes
Editor's Rating [progressbar width="85" color="#eee" bg_color="#006699" text="85%"] Amazon's Rating [progressbar width="76" color="#eee" bg_color="#FF9900" text="76%"]

$74.99 USD

5.00 avg. rating (96% score) - 1 vote